Challenging Life with Curiosity
Fact about Me: I was born a couple hours after the Challenger Shuttle Disaster. The news, school, and conversations leading up to every birthday in my formative years was focused on remembering the Challenger and all the things that were learned. It was never far from my mind. Challenger was also supposed to be the first time a teacher was in space, Christa McAuliffe.
As a science based person this next sentence is a bit of a contradiction but it’s what I believe- Fate stepped in from the second I was born. Making my life forever linked to Space, Nasa, Science, and a world beyond my own.
I was taught from an early age to question everything. I’m sure that my mother meant don’t let people tell me who I can and cannot be as a Latina woman in the world but I took that idea and ran with it.
So blend the World Beyond with Question Everything and you get ME.
I read everything, including text books for classes I’ve never taken. When someone tells me to do something (sorry former bosses)- I want to know why, where does this lead, whats the ‘World Beyond’ accomplishing this one task?
To be completely cheesy and finally have an excuse to quote one of my favorite movies, Under the Tuscan Sun,
“You have to live life spherically, in many directions. Never lose your childish enthusiasm and things will come your way.”
I live life open to possibilities, open to new situations, new people. I stay close to Space because it’s a constant reminder of what happens when a bunch of science nerds dream together. I question everything because I develop through understanding the world around me and the possibilities of what could be.
What I’ve learned in living this way is that whenever something doesn’t work out, my curiosity and need to understand lead me to something better.
In recent years I’ve also begun educating and coaching. Bringing things once again full-circle to Challenger and Christa McAuliffe. While working, I coach, train, and develop people into their authentic selves. I help them discover their passions and goals. I help them confront difficult realties and dispel negative self-talk. After work I transform back into the student. I digest the things I learn from my clients. I figure out other ways to support them. I learn new concepts, new words, and take the occasional stab at languages.
One of my earliest YouTube videos- -is horribly edited but the concept is still true- I remain in control of my happiness. As humans, we are meant to be part of something larger than ourselves. When we deviate from that, we experience anxiety, stress, and so much worse.
So I CHALLENGE all of you- push beyond your current world and connect with something greater than yourself. Add curiosity into your life and be open to where life can lead.